Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blogging Athletes

As time consuming as a professional sports career is, athletes are finding different ways to reach their fans and promote themselves and their teams.

As a normal person, as compared to the super natural star athletes, I find myself disconnected and in a distant reach from my favorite pro sports stars. I’m sure I’m not the only fan who feels this way.

On a good note, some athletes are finding new ways to communicate with their fans and it benefits both parties. Blogging.
According to Dictionary.com:

1. Blog (blŏg) n. A weblog. intr.v. blogged, blog•ging, blogs
To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.

Blogging as an athlete is a great form of marketing not only for their personal self, but for their team, organization, and the sport itself. Two well-known sports bloggers are Curt Schilling who recently retired from the MLB Boston Red Sox, and Gilbert Arenas of the NBA Washington Wizards.

These two consistently post blogs throughout their seasons about random topics ranging from the newly elected President Obama to the thoughts on the steroids investigation in sports. With the athlete posting about regular news and topics that everyone reads and hears about, they are making a small connection with the average person or fan.

Athletes are normal people too, just with crazy athletic abilities. It is fun to be able to read their actual thoughts on subjects we understand. This brings them down to our level where we can relate to them on similar subject matter. By doing this, their stock goes up as a fan favorite. They become better known and personable which allows for more people to want to follow them to see how they are doing in their games. This is compared to the less personable athlete who is more distant and harder to relate to.

By the athlete blogging, it not only helps their own stock, but it helps the organization they are a part of. With more fans, they buy more jerseys or apparel, which makes money for the team and the league. Everyone wins.

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