Sunday, January 11, 2009

Marketing On The Move

Marketing on the move is a more efficient way to get your name out there than the normal stationary marketing.

I sold my car about 3 years ago. When I began the journey, I put a couple of ads in a local car magazine for 3 weeks resulting in just one call. After no success, I decided to just write straight on the windows of my car and after driving around for 2 days with it written all over the windows, I sold it.

This is a simple example of how mobile marketing works. Get your logo, name, brand, etc. out and about and more people will be exposed to it helping increase your brand awareness which is a main goal of many companies.

One company that comes to my mind when I think of mobile marketing is Red Bull. On nume
rous occasions, I have encountered the Red Bull car and the sales reps who are handing out free cans of Red Bull. This gets the product into consumer’s hands so that when they are faced with a purchasing decision later on, they might remember the Red Bull they had before and that might have more of an influence on which drink they choose.

Bud Light and Monster Energy Drink are two other beverage companies that do a similar style of mobile marketing. Both owned and operated by Anheuser Busch, the two beverage giants are reinventing the term, “pimp my ride.”

Bud Light MXT:

This supped up truck comes equipped with 3 flat screen TV’s, a state-of-the-art sound system, an Xbox 360, Guitar Hero III, and a promotional tent. All of these added features contribute to the marketing campaign for Bud Light. Parking this vehicle at events all over the nation can attract numerous consumers of all ages. On one hand, this can be good because your mixing beer with entertainment for the of age adults which is something that Bud Light seems to being striving to do. On the other hand, with the gaming systems, the majority of gamers that play those kinds of games are under the legal drinking age and this could entice them to illegal actions. Bud Light needs to be careful of what audience they are focusing towards.

Monster Truck:

Monster Energy Drink has a similar tactic to Red Bull. They have a scaled down, “Monster Truck”, fittingly named for their product that drives around and makes appearances at promotional events as well. The sales reps hand out free cans of Monster in hopes of gaining more energy drink consumers. By having the logo plastered all over this large vehicle, consumers are exposed to the brand image and logo over and over which becomes engrained into their memory. So when they do go to a convenient store or grocery center, they recognize the logo and might be more apt to buy the product that they have heard of or tried before. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

By having your company’s logo and image on the move as opposed to a stationary billboard, it gives you more of a chance at increasing brand awareness and gaining a larger customer base.



  1. Mobile marketing is an effective marketing strategy that business owners are using these days and they achieve and obtain their desired goals.

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  2. Interesting! Me and my interactive marketing agency team appreciates the things you've shared here. Keep posting! Have a nice day.
