Monday, January 26, 2009

Interactive Banner Ads

So your surfing the internet and you land on a website to browse, but you can’t see anything because an annoying advertisement obstructs your view of the screen. You scroll down to get ride of it, but it slides along with your cursor. You try to close it out, but you can’t find the hidden “X” that is cleverly disguised and you resort to clicking on the ad just to get it off the screen.

Advertisers have become more and more clever with how to entice consumers to visit their websites.
One example is as I described in the previous paragraph. Interactive banners can also include gaming advertisements that lure consumers to play a simple game before the ad leads them to the marketed products webpage. Or shadow figures dancing around on the screen to try and attract the consumers’ attention.

More and more people are gaining access online which means more and more exposures to interactive ads. Consumers have been exposed to thousands of different ways of marketing so companies and marketers are trying new and different ways to separate themselves from their competition.

How a lot of interactive banner ads work is a pay per click contract that the advertiser settles with the website it is advertising on. The marketing company pays based on how many people clicks on the ad. The whole objective is to get people to click and that is why they use games or fun entertaining images to get someone to click on it.


  1. It will be very interesting to see where there interactive ads go from here. As it was mentioned, users are exposed each day to more 'interactive type' ads. What will be the next step in attracting attention and clicks?

    Any ideas?
