Sunday, January 18, 2009

Importance of a Good Website

Having a website in today’s world is one thing. Having a good website in today’s world is one better.

With the internet accessible all over the globe, websites are available to consumer’s just about anywhere. It is a company’s most constant form of communication with their customers. By having a good website, a company is able to send a high-quality image to their clientele.

What makes a website good?

1. Frequently Updated
2. Easy to use/navigate

3. Unique enough to be remembered
4. Pertains to the target market
5. Conforms with company’s image

You can never make another first impression. Your website is your company’s first impression with numerous prospective consumers. The website should reflect your company in a way that you want your consumers to perceive you. By having a good website, you build customer’s confidence in your company because if you can show that you put effort into a good website, then you are showing that you are serious about having a quality business.

A good website needs to have good content that can connect to your potential customers and make them believe in you and your company mission statement.

Among the pages on your site that you might want to include are an about the company page, a contact page with addresses and phone numbers, a list of services and products (as well as pricing), map and directions to your stores, and an FAQ page.

A lot of people do their research online before completing a purchase or going out for any kind of excursion. By having a good quality website with lots of information and easy navigation, you make it easier on your customers buying experience. This can only benefit your company in the long run.


1 comment:

  1. You hit on a topic that I constantly talk about. A 'good' website has all that you stated, as well as a great Call To Action. If I land on your website, tell me where to go to find what I want, tell me not only why I should do business with you, but how. Don't make me ask!
