Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mobile Phone Marketing

It used to be that walking down the street, everyone you’d pass by had their cell phone plastered to their ear engaged in either a business deal or just catching up with friends. Now, however, the times have changed and so have the communication trends.

People of all ages have joined the band wagon of text messaging. According to the Mobile Marketing Association, 40% of US Mobile phone user’s text. In class rooms and meeting rooms around the world people are sneaking a text message underneath the table. I am guilty of it too. It’s a more secretive way to have a conversation without actually talking. Now a day it’s hard not to find a person who is rapidly punching their key pad of their phone.

Question: With consumer’s attention constantly on their hand held toy, how can we as marketers get their attention?

Answer: Why not send ads to them via text messaging?

Communicate with your consumers the way they communicate with each other. It’s quick, easy, and less expensive than a large billboard ad or a national commercial spot.
Companies have already started doing this. Take the new video rental company Red Box for example. Ever Monday, at 10:00 a.m. on the dot, my cell phone vibrates with a new text message giving me a free rental promotional code in case I want to rent a movie for the night. (see picture above) I hardly use it every Monday I get it, but it is simple brand awareness and incentive. When I do feel in the mood to rent a movie, I am going to think of Red Box first because I see their name on my phone every week so the brand name is familiar. Also, by them sending me a free movie, I feel they value me as a consumer and are willing to lose money on that free rental with the risk that I’m going to rent more from them in the future.

One of the more popular advertisements through texting is in-game sporting updates from ESPN or Yahoo sports. Keeping up on your favorite sports team is a high priority for many sports fans. This allows them to find out scores and stats on all sports. By giving consumers this option from their phone, when they actually have access to other forms of technology such as a computer or TV, they will me more prone to visit ESPN or Yahoo because they have been their trusted sporting news feeder.

Communicating with your consumer’s the way they communicate with each other is a great way to steal their attention and gain brand awareness for your company. Be tasteful in your advertising as to not turn your customer’s away with the annoyance of a pesky marketer. Give them rewards such as a free movie rental with Red Box, or help them with something they are passionate about such as sports with ESPN or Yahoo.


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